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Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 10, 2010

R&D system

R&D system is a scientific and technological activities in which R is the Research activities (including basic research and applied research) and D is the Development activities.
In the book of Professor Vu Cao Dam, The methodology of scientific research, in 2010, he introduced on the function of the activities in R&D system as follows:
Basic research: the research is to discover the properties, structures and movement of things. Results of basic research can be explored, discovered, invented, leading to formation of a new theoretical system.
Applied research: is the application of rules detected from basic research to explain a thing or creating new principles of the solution.
Development (experimental development) is to apply the theories to make prototypes and production technology with the technical feasibility parameters. Development activities are including 3 steps:
- Creating prototypes: the experimental step to create the prototypes.
- Create process (also called period of "pilot"), a period of searching and testing technology to produce the prototypes has succeeded in the first step.
- Make a small series of experiments: also known as "serial 0". This is the step to verify the reliability of small-scale processes.
Thus, in the R&D system, the activities are divided according to function and each offers its own product research. Participating in the activities of R&D system can be research institutions, universities and enterprises. Every organization in R&D system, with the advantage of tradition or their resources, tends to focus on one activity in that system. For example, we can see that the university is consistent with activities in basic research, research institutes, in line with research activities and applications for enterprise R & D, consistent with their development activities. However, it does not mean that every organization while participate in the activities of R&D selected only an activity which they have strengths. We can see that at universities or at institutes where research activities are the mainly work, still have many projects to develop technological lines with financial support from businesses. Conversely,  there were many businesses have been building the research labs which are full of conditions and facilities to invite scientists be there to carry out basic research activities as well as applied research.
The relationship
Activities in R&D system is always in close relationship with each other. First, in the relationship between basic research and applied research, we can see applied research based on the results of basic research to perform their activities, while basic research need of the results of applied research to supplement information on the new things were found previously.
Between applied research and development also have close relationships. Through the intermediate step that is applied research, development activity concretize the new research results of basic research into the prototype, to create commercial products for social life. Conversely, the feedback from the results of deployment operations research can help to regulate the result of applied research to make it complete.
For the relationship between basic research and development activities, we can see it through the fact that the deployment activities always need new ideas of basic research to make new products to meet the increasing needs of society. Meanwhile, basic research (in the context of science is increasingly linked to society) always need feedback from development to identify the orientation for research activities.
Understanding of R&D system is very important for policy makers on science and technology. This helps them get a correct perception about the activities in the R&D system as well as the discrimination of different objects in this system, thereby making the appropriate policy on science and technology, to promote the role of each organization participating in scientific and technological activities and effectively use the social resources for science and technology activities.

Truong Chi

Old and new norm systems of science

Old and new norm systems of science are the concepts to distinguish two forms of organization and practice of science, including the traditional scientific system and the modern scientific system, in which, the modern scientific system is considered began after the time of the modern revolution in science and technology in the 1940s of the 20th Century.
We know that before the modern revolution science and technology, the results of scientific research activities are mainly provided for society the scientific knowledge to explain the natural world, the laws of society or opening up the development of the theory of basic sciences .... In addition, though some research results then have been applied in social life, science had not suffered as much impact from the society.
After the Second World War, particularly the revolution of modern science and technology, science has become linked with social life. The success in applying of scientific achievements to serve political and military objectives (the Manhattan project in US) led to the advent of big science projects which have received funding greatly from the government and military. Besides, science is also becoming more inextricably connected with the technical and material production activities that making a revolution in technology, bringing new products to serve social life, from which open up market opportunities, attracting the attention of businesses. The business has gradually become the sponsor of scientific research activities.
For that reason, science has more features and become different from the previous scientific tradition. About the difference between the traditional scientific systems and the modern scientific system, Doctor Olof.Hallonsten, in his lecture on the subject "Governance of Science" cited 02 of acronyms of Merton and Ziman to describe the main characteristics of the traditional science and modern science.
In 1942, Merton gave the characteristics of systems science in that time through the acronym: CUDOS. In 1994, Ziman outlined his views of the system characteristics of modern science through the acronym: PLACE. Accordingly, the acronyms are derived from the word CUDOS are C: Communalism, U: Universalism, D: Disinterestedness, O: Originality, S: Skepticism, and acronyms are derived from the word PLACE are P: Proprietary , L: Local, A: Authoritarian, C: Commissioned, E: Expert. (cited from the lecture on the subject "Governance of Science" by Dr. Ofof).
The acronyms on above is emphasis on distinctive features, in contrast between the traditional scientific system for the modern scientific system. For example, between Communalism - Proprietary: for traditional science, the research results should belong to society, while for modern science, this result was associated with the ownership of individuals or organizations. Universalism - Local: in traditional science, research activities seems not to focus on serving a specific audience, while in the modern science, the research is usually located in a defined range and solve specific problems etc .... We can see that this difference comes from the thing that the modern science has linked more closely with society and dominated more by the needs of society. Scientists have to choose between the scientific research is an activity of freedom, an individual needs, with the scientific research is an activity serving the needs of society.
The potential conflicts
The main differences and contradictory of traditional and modern scientific systems led to the conflict between the two. Research activities in the traditional scientific system enhanced freedom, creativity, and scientists are free to study the issues which they feel interested and excited. Meanwhile, research activities in the system of modern science have many influences and impacts from outside, to meet the expectations of society or of those who provide resources for research activities research.
In Vietnam, I think it hard to take some examples of a conflict between the traditional science and modern science because the development of science in Vietnam is still at a low level. State budget remains the main source of financing of research institutions and the financial provisions from the state does not promote scientific research activities. Besides, the participation of society for scientific research activities are limited. We do not have many businesses focus on investment in scientific research activities. The combination of business and scientific organizations are not close and yet highly effective.
We know that the existence of both systems of science is a certain meaning. To conclude this essay, we can say that the role of science policy-makers is very important. They should have a correct perception, to make the appropriate policies for both systems, in order to balance between ensuring the independence and freedom of scientific research activities with the application of science in the social life, serving the needs of social development.

Truong Chi

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 10, 2010

Đấm cảnh sát đang chỉ huy giao thông

Quang quát thiếu tá Thước: "Mày có trả chìa khóa xe cho tao không?", rồi xông vào đấm viên cảnh sát đang làm nhiệm vụ.
> Đánh cảnh sát, cướp mô tô tẩu thoát

Bùi Danh Quang tại cơ quan điều tra. Ảnh: Nam Anh.

Ngày 8/10, trung tá Nguyễn Đức Vượng (Trưởng công an phường Láng Thượng, Đống Đa, Hà Nội) cho biết, chiều 7/10 thiếu tá Nguyễn Văn Thước cùng tổ bảo vệ dân phố được phân công trực tại đường Láng.

Khoảng 16h30, khi đoàn xe công vụ đi qua, tổ công tác yêu cầu các phương tiện nhường đường, đi áp sát vỉa hè. Tuy nhiên, một thanh niên đi xe máy chở cô gái ngồi sau vẫn cố tình lạng lách phóng lên phía trước, không chịu nhường đường cho xe ưu tiên.

Thiếu tá Thước yêu cầu người này dừng lại, nhưng anh ta không chấp hành mà lớn tiếng: "Tôi đang có việc không phải chờ ai cả".

Viên công an lập tức rút chìa khoá xe máy, yêu cầu xuống xe để làm việc thì anh ta quát mắng và đấm vào mặt, ngực thiếu tá Thước.
Bị đưa về trụ sở công an phường, anh ta khai là Bùi Danh Quang, 21 tuổi, ở phố Tôn Đức Thắng. Tại thời điểm đó, Quang không xuất trình được giấy tờ xe cũng như bằng lái.

Hiện, Quang đã bị tạm giữ. Cơ quan điều tra đang hoàn tất hồ sơ để xử lý người này về hành vi chống người thi hành công vụ, cố ý gây thương tích.

Nam Anh
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